1st Birthday party. Let them eat cake...

She's wired, baby!

Another nekkid picture, this time by Patricia.

How quickly a pleasant paddle turns ugly...

Feed me.

Pretty as a picture.

Agent Squally investigates a Christmas shoot in Clary...

Goodnight Moon.

Checking out Mr. Charlie's lair at Ed's house.

This was Liz' doing. I was NOT THERE.

A peaceful afternoon in the pool. But wait!  What's that?! (cue sinister music...)

Bathing beauties...

Fourth of July on the lawn in Clary.  Tea anyone?

All the best people bathe in sinks...

Almost walking...

Sophia tries to get on the cover of Parenting...

TEC n SGC on the porch in Clary...nice socks Tom, jeez why didn't anyone notice that?

Memorial Day Weekend 1999.

First camping trip, note campfire and tent in background.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Poop Sisters.

Mother's Day 1999.

Sitting in (grand)dad's chair

7 AM, lolling around...

Cutie in a red t shirt.

Walking, well, almost.

Easter at the Karady's w/ Jen and Violette.

Hey Swingers!

Ain't she purty as a little farm girl...

with Kirke on the beach in San Francisco.

a little doll. The sort of thing you like if you like that sort of thing...

Watchin' TV with Dad.  Note matching looks of intense concentration (or brain death...).

Week 19: Is that the beguiling scent of patchouli I detect?

Week 18: Ivory Snow anyone?

A cute little monkey.

Ruba adub dub, couple ladies inna tub.

With Tom Carroll.

Week 14: a dark little polaroid.

Week 13:jaundice set in...

Week 12: christmas at the Palace...

Week 11: my two beautiful ladies.

Week 10: that's Liz, her mom, and HER mom.

Week 9:cold n cranky in Claryville.

Week 8: what's with the pointy hat?

Week 6:ahhh Skywalker, there is no try, only do.

Week 5: with Grandpa Tom

Week 4:smile before nap.

Week 3: still sad...

Week 2: frowning already.

click here for the archive of splash pages and pictures of SGC going back till, well, click and see...